
Country of Origin: Canada
I'm into graphic design, training for marathons, and studying languages


My story

Hey everyone!

When I was a kid, I found an English-Japanese dictionary in my grandpa’s book collection. It had a lot of kanji and ink paintings. Ever since, I’ve loved Japan and wanted to live here.

I was working as a graphic designer in Canada but wanted to come to Japan before turning thirty. I’d been here twice on vacation but it was just not enough, I wanted to live here. Now I can live in Japan thanks to my passion for teaching the English language!

If you want to have a native teacher (with Canadian accent!), please give my lesson a try! You will find me to be a very friendly and open teacher. I love teaching students of all ages.

My story(和訳)





もしあなたがネイティブのカナダの先生が必要なら私のクラスにトライしてください! このクラスはフレンドリーでどんな年代の学生も歓迎です。